Report Sample ­VÔÚ­V㜪iÅëªj

Today's plan:
(Write down which number on the goal each activity corresponds to)
1. 10:20-10:35 Identify kanji from nearby station using dictionary (Goal #1)
2. 10:35-10:55 Practice a role plays at a supermarket with a volunteer. (Goal #2)
3. 10:55-11:20 Study the vocabulary for weather forecast and listen to the actual recording and write down information (Goal #3)

Actual report:
1. 10:20-10:40 Practice role play at a supermarket with a volunteer. (Goal #2)
2. 10:40-10:50-Practice the same role play with so and so san. (Goal #2)
3. 10:50-11:00 Identify kanji from nearby station using dictionary (Goal #1)
4. 11:00-11:20 Study the vocabulary for weather forecast and listen to the actual recording and write down information (Goal #3)

Evaluation of each activity:
1. Since a volunteer was available immediately I started out with this activity. She has suggestions of changing the items, and also when I had troubles with wrong items. I thought this was very helpful.

2. Since so and so san was waiting for a turn for a similar activity, I suggested to do the same role-play with him. We needed to build vocabulary on the items we buy in the supermarket. I would like to build up food vocabulary.

3. Kanji dictionary was a little hard to use, but I think it is worth getting used to it. Ann Lynn helped me greatly. Took me 10 minutes to find 8 characters!

4.The recording is really fast, and I can't catch anything. Maybe I will look up some English words in the dictionary and just try to listen to those words first. Or just numbers. Later I will try to understand the information better.

Proposed plan for the next session.
1. 10:20-10:35 Identify kanji from nearby supermarket using dictionary (Goal #2)
2. 10:35-10:50 Pick up weather vocabulary from a newspaper. (Goal #3)
3. 10:50-11:10 Listen to the actual recording and write down information (Goal #3)
4. 11:10-11:20 Draft a letter of thank-you to host family (Goal #4)

The following pages are to turn in to Ann Lynn and fax to Schneider. Please include, Today's plan, Actual report, Evaluation of each activity, Proposed plan for the next session. If you need to keep a note to yourself, please use °ª°­section.
Please complete the Evaluation page on 7/24 and turn in to Ann Lynn.

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