TAPPED IN Modern Language Session "Using CLEAR's Form Mailer"

Let's use Mailer to make a local copy!

1. Go to Automatic creation page (http://clear.msu.edu/mailer/) http://clear.msu.edu/mailer/

2. Fill out your name, exercise title, directions to the student, question(s) and click "I'm all done" when you are done.

3. What you see is what you will see on the web site.

4. Start NotePad (Windows) or SimpleText (Mac).

5. Go back to the page and View->Page Source/Source

6. Copy paste to a new document of Notepad/SimpleText.

7. Save the document as yourname.html (e.g. keiko.html) on your Desktop.

8. Now go back to your browser and Contol (Windows) Apple (Mac) plus O to open. Look for the document on your Desktop. Now you opened the local version of the Exercise that you just made.

9. For fun, fill it out and click "SEND". Then check you email. You should have received your answer!

10. Now go back to your NotePad/Simple Text document. Erase the following part.

<CENTERgt;<FONT color="red" size="+2">This is a temporary file! Save it to your own website!</FONT></CENTER>
Go back to the browser and click refresh/reload. Now that ugly red is gone, right? Now you are basically ready to upload to show to the rest of the world!

If you want to decorate it more, you can play with HTML. Come back and ask me how!

Go back to the TI window to report!